Bakery Pekarna Bukavec
Bread and Delicacies from Karst
"Kruh in dobrote Krasa"


Bakers for over 120 years

The Pekarna Bukavec Bakery is a historic establishment in Trieste, boasting over 120 years of experience in the field of baking.
Our business is located on the border between Italy and Slovenia and fully reflects the culture of the Karst region, a place where Slovenian and Italian-speaking people intersect, with influences from the past from the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Just by crossing the threshold of our shop, you will be engulfed by the scent of our artisan bread and the goodness of our fresh and dry pastries.
A baking tradition deeply rooted in the territory, which for over 20 years has been collaborating with the event Okusi Krasa - Flavors of the Karst, to protect the flavors and recipes of tradition.


The Pekarna Bukavec Bakery was owned by the Goriup family, who built the oven around 1885, still during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At that time, the bread was hand-kneaded and the bakers practically lived day and night in the oven. From Prosecco, the place where the bread was produced, everything was transported by horse-drawn carriages to the nearby towns, especially on the Karst plateau.
Around 1960, the property was taken over by Mr. Malalan Albino who, along with his family, ran the bakery for over thirty years. Paulo Bukavec began his career as a baker in this very oven in 1978, at the age of fifteen. From the errand boy, he grew up to become an expert baker and in 1989 he took over the business from Mr. Malalan. Joining Paulo in managing the business is his wife Natasha, two bakers and two saleswomen, until their son Daniel also arrived.
In 1995, the old furnace, built of brick and with cast iron gates, was demolished and replaced by two more modern ovens and a fermentation chamber. In 2008, the shop also underwent a revamp, to be completely modernized in 2023.
Today, Paulo, although retired, continues to bake bread, helped by two bakers. Natasha takes care of sales and shop management and their son Daniel manages external supplies and deliveries.
A family-owned business, well-known and loved throughout the area for the exceptional goodness of its products.


Bread, sweets, flatbreads, and artisan breadsticks

The pride and joy of our business is our handmade artisan bread, available in various shapes and weights. The most traditional are the famous s′ciopete or bighe, rosettes or kaiser.
In addition to "00" and "0" flour, we bake bread with special wholemeal flours, stone-ground, with mixed cereals and seeds, bread strudel with olives, bread with walnuts, maize, spelt, pumpkin, rye with cumin, with natural leavening. And we always have breadsticks, pizza, and focaccia.
Our fresh pastry department is always well stocked, and in addition to cakes made to order, you can taste assorted pastries, the beloved Carsoline creams, rolled pastries filled with chocolate or fruit. And then a wide assortment of dry pastries including biscuits, tarts, strudel with seasonal fruit, krapfen and brioche, muffins, Brazilian pastries, and curabile cookies.
Our sweets follow the seasons and holidays. Each time of the year we propose different specialties, like frittole with l′anima, fritters with an anchovy inside, only available in autumn and during the Carnival season.


Artisan Bread
Bakery Products
Whole-grain Bread and Bread with Special Flours
Pizzas and Focaccias
Customized Cakes
Small Pastries
Typical Products

Linea contributiva: Contributi per lo sviluppo delle micro, piccole e medie imprese commerciali, turistiche e di servizio e art.14 comma 3 LR FVG n.3/2021 - BANDO 2021 Contributo concesso dal CATT FVG con atto n. 144 TS /ART.100_2021/ 03/08/2023 Contributo liquidato: 23.159,48
See our Blog


The continuation of tradition

At the heart of Pekarna Bukavec Bakery′s work is the philosophy of artisanal production. Every day, our master bakers and pastry chefs devote care and attention to creating products with authentic flavors, the perfect result of a tradition passed down over time and an uncompromising dedication to quality, with a constant search for new raw materials, including locally sourced, and new recipes, capable of satisfying even the most discerning palates.


Torta con crema allo zabaglione
Torta nozze d′oro
Torta al pistacchio
Torta per matrimonio
Torta per matrimonio
Torta per nozze d′oro
Crema Chantelly e frutta
Contact the Bakery
terms and conditions

Bakery Pekarna Bukavec

Localitą Prosecco 160, 34151 TRIESTE (TS)
Tel: 040225220
P.IVA: 01354140327

From Mon. to Sat. 7:20am - 1:00pm / 4:30pm - 7:00pm
Closed on Monday afternoons
Summer Hours: afternoon opening at 5:00pm